Monday, October 18, 2010

piCture pOlish - Metallic Mush

Metallic Mush is just what it sounds like.  An awesome mash up of metallic goodness, encased in a lacquer bottle and ready to rock its owner.

If you're looking at this and thinking Orly FX, then we're on the same wavelength.  I looked at this and automatically wondered if this was the love child of Shine and Rage.  Check out the comparison after the jump.

From left to right, I have Orly Shine, piCture pOlish Metallic Mush, Orly Rage.

It's clear, to me anyway, that Metallic Mush is closer to Shine in colour.  In fact, in some lights, they look identical. And the formula is identical. I cannot tell the difference.

This is just another phenomenal lacquer from piCture pOlish.  So far, I can't fault them.  Everything works, and works brilliantly.

If you'd like to win three piCture pOlish lacquers of your choice, enter this month's Giveaway below!  Click here for the rules and get your creative juices flowing!