If you haven't entered this month's competition, click here. There's still time to enter!
Right on the Nail rocks Essie's Vermillionaire.
Andrea has some STUNNING Borghese swatches.
Konadomania trials her first Barry M.
Totally nail unrelated but I'm craving deep fried dill pickles thanks to Kelly. Bad Kelly!
Zoya Charla..... Homer Drool
Siobhan totally rocks the China Glaze Vixen Collection.
Do not click here if you're hungry for candy.
Tiffani has the new Cheeky Monkey Spring 2010 Collection lacquers, and they're super cute!
I don't normally promote giveaways, but please check out Susie's. Only 12 more followers and one lucky person gets to win a STASH of goodies.
Do not click here if you're hungry for candy.
Tiffani has the new Cheeky Monkey Spring 2010 Collection lacquers, and they're super cute!
I don't normally promote giveaways, but please check out Susie's. Only 12 more followers and one lucky person gets to win a STASH of goodies.
If you have a great nail polish related post, paste a link in the comments. Share the link love!
And read on to hear about my decadent, albeit poorly photographed, treat.
A friend recently told me I'm a Grandpa Simpson Conversationalist. I start talking about one thing and end up in a very different place. I take that as a compliment and, so, today's post is a celebration of utter random-ness.
I love Fridays. The only thing I love more than Fridays is having afternoon tea at Koko Black on a Friday. The photo above the jump is of the walnut chocolate brownie with chocolate sauce and vanilla ice-cream. It's approximately 50,000 calories and worth every single moment of exercise I have to do afterwards to work it off. Oh, who am I kidding. I don't exercise.
Some of you may have heard that Australia has a new Prime Minister. Cos that's how we roll. We don't like the old one, we get the (metaphorical) knives out and get ourselves a new one. I'm not going to get into a political discussion (a lack of knowledge never stops me from having an opinion, but politics is a no-go) about the rights and wrongs of it all. But I will say that the English press are, really, very polite when they say our new Prime Minister has a 'strong Australian accent'. Hah! Homegirl's vowels are flatter than the Dutch countryside.
You've Got Face is nearly ready for launch! A few more tweaks and adjustments and we will be live on 1 July 2010. I've been doing research on other beauty blogs and have come to the conclusion that a Velociraptor has a better chance of successfully applying makeup than I do, and they're freaking extinct. So, on the count of 3, lower your expectations.
Finally, I went swimming earlier in the week (so I do exercise sometimes). As I'm making my way down the pool, I'm thinking 'Wow, I'm not a bad swimmer'. Until a dude lapped me who ONLY HAD ONE LEG. One leg. And he was, by my estimate, around 70 years old. So I got beaten down at the pool by someone double my age but with only one leg. I suck.
Ok, Grandpa Simpson / Jacie wishes you all a great week. And make sure you tune in on 1 July 2010 for the launch of You've Got Face!