I know my Australian readers are thinking something along the lines of 'WTF?' 'Coral Colours!' My nanna wears Coral Colours'. 'She's finally lost it. Jacie, that is, not my nanna'.
And you'd be right.
Coral Colours has an unfortunate reputation for being nanna-ish in its colour selection.
However, they have recently started rebranding themselves and the results are on-trend, high quality lacquers that are to die. The bottles still need work (seriously, a gold handle) but I'm seriously impressed with this brand's re-invention.
So much so that they are this month's Swatch Watch lacquer.
The rules of this competition are the same as always.
1. Pick your favourite Coral Colours lacquer after the jump.
2. Scroll down to the entry form.
2. Select your favourite Coral Colours lacquer from the drop down box.
3. Fill in your name and email address.
4. Click 'Submit Entry'.
5. Do a happy dance because you've just got your entry in. This is mandatory -
6. This competition is open to everyone (so long as your postal service can accept nail polish) and will close on
5pm, Wednesday 30th June 2010, Australian Standard Time.
If you're the lucky winner, you will win the lacquer you voted for PLUS you can choose one other lacquer from the ones swatched.
And now, for the additional prize. If you are selected as the winner
AND you are also a follower of YGN (this is mandatory if you want to win the additional prize - I want to be able to offer followers an additional 'Mwah, I love you lots' prize), you will receive, in addition to the two lacquers of your choice, a bottle of
Pewter Polish.
So quit reading, start peeping and vote after the jump!