I really thought that China Glaze had set themselves an impossible task. The top coat needed to be sheer enough that the original lacquer colour shone through, but needed to have enough 'holo-icity' (I think I just made up a word) to make it worthwhile ( I know that reader, Millie, likes her holos strong and present).
So did it work? I tested it against four colours - Chanel (that's right, I holo-d a Chanel), kit, Mecca Cosmetica and BYS. Check out the skittles after the jump, including mega closeups of my favourites.
From left to right: Chanel Vendetta, kit Pool Party, Mecca Cosmetica Perdita (oh how I adore this grey) , BYS Pale Pink
Indirect Sunlight
Direct Sunlight
Closeup of Chanel Vendetta. Glorious. Magical.
Mecca Cosmetica Perdita. This is just amazing. The impact is gorgeous.
I was most impressed with how vivid Vendetta and Perdita came out. Pool Party and Baby Pink did their best but it just wasn't as glorious as the other two.
All up, I was genuinely thrilled with how this worked. China Glaze totally nailed the consistency and thickness of the top coat. It applied easily and smoothly and, like all CGs, left an amazing finish.